
Thursday, May 8, 2014

One Room Challenge Reveal

I can't believe six weeks have gone by already!  It's been a crazy ride since I started this  One Room Challenge... Thanks so much to Linda at Calling it Home for putting this challenge together,  I would have dragged my feet doing the master bedroom.  I can actually say one room in my home is done!   
If you miss the previous posts, you can check them out here Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5.
Here it is now...


My DIY drum shade chandelier

 Our DIY mirrored headboard turned out exactly as I envisioned!

Blood, sweat and tears went into making these curtains... Okay, may just sweat and tears!

Thank you so much for joining me throughout the past six weeks.   I will be posting the DIY tutorials next few weeks on the projects in this room.  

Please go by and check out all the amazing participant's reveals at Calling it Home.

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  1. What a dramatic transformation. The room is beautiful. Such a rich, luxe space. I love that drum pendant... and the Curtains!! Congrats.

  2. Wow! What a difference... It all looks so beautiful and ties together so well! What a fun challenge this was :)

  3. I forgot to leave my name in above comment... Sorry!
    Kendra @

  4. I forgot to leave my name in above comment... Sorry!
    Kendra @

  5. LOVELY!!!! Just lovely!!!

  6. Wow Sherry! That head board is just divine. Your room is absolutely beautiful...looking like a Penthouse Suite.

  7. Wow! What a transformation - looks amazing!!! I LOVE that headboard and the pendant!!
    Tricia // Suburban Bitches

  8. Sherry, it looks so great! I love that bed, so sexy! Your room looks like something out of a fancy hotel. Congratulations!

  9. WOWZA Sherry! Great job....I can hardly believe this is the same room. You rocked it!

  10. Gorgeous! It looks like a room in a luxury resort! Great job!

  11. The glamour in your bedroom is not upped by a factor of about a zillion! My favorite part is your DIY drum shade - so cool!

  12. Wow, your bedroom is so glamorous! That headboard is so cool! I can't believe you diy'd it and the drum shade! Great job!!!

  13. The drum chandelier gives the room the perfect touch of drama! Love the headboard - and the drapes!!! Great room!

  14. Hi Sherry! Great job, so pretty and elegant. I love the color combo and also the drama. Great place to go and relax. I'm sure the weather is stunning today, by you. Enjoy the shore!

  15. What a beautiful master!! I can't believe everything you got accomplished! That bed is such a statement and love the drum pendant and all those curtains!!! Well done!

  16. Beautiful! It looks so chic. Just like a hotel room.


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