
Friday, April 25, 2014

One Room Challenge - Week 4

I hope everyone had a productive week, cause I sure didn't! We are in the fourth week of the One Room Challenge hosted by Linda at Calling it Home and I am so far behind on my projects!  Between cooking for 18 people for Easter,  my kids being home for spring break and my daughter sick the entire time, I haven't accomplished anything.  To top it off, the company I had ordered the curtain fabric from emailed me 5 days after the order was placed saying they don't have anymore of the fabric available.  Now, I have to find another suitable fabric and get it in on time to make eight curtain panels and amongst everything else on the list of things to do in two weeks.  That means I have to put it into high gear in order to finish on time.  If you missed the previous weeks, you can check the out here at Week 1Week 2 and Week 3.

So, here we are after the bed frame was constructed, I gave the moulding an espresso stain.

Then added the mirror around the frame...  Looking good!

The bed side tables also got an espresso finish on the top and the sides.  Still contemplating the finish for the drawer front, down to two choices. 

Well, off to finish a project or two!  Hope you check out some very talented participants of the One Room Challenge with Linda at Calling it Home.

Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

One Room Challenge - 3 week update

Is it midway into the One Room Challenge already?  We have only three more weeks to go and I am starting to panic! Really panic! I've been working at a snails pace this week, for no tangible reason except for severe cases of extremely short attention span and procrastination.

I thought I would be able to show you more of the headboard.  Unfortunately,  this all I have for you...   I still have to add the moulding, mirror and stain.

I also purchased this beautiful fabric for the curtains.

My husband put together the ikea Rast for the side tables.  Still can't decide on the design for them,  I have too many ideas to choose from.  But, I'll narrow it down and have them completed by next week's post, fingers crossed!

Well, I am off to finish the headboard and some more shopping.  Can't wait to see what all the other  participants have accomplished!  

Do you want to follow some fabulously creative room makeovers?  Check it out at Calling It Home, you'll be amazed at all the talent!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Week 2 of One Room Challenge - Master bedroom makeover

This week went by so fast! You know what they say "time flies when you are having fun," in my case time is flying because I am so busy!  Though, I can't say I am not having fun with this One Room Challenge, the designing and the projects are so exciting.  My major DIY project for this challenge is making my gigantuous (I don't think thats a real word) headboard.  I wanted the headboard to make a statement in this room and hopefully it does.  I'll be finished with it hopefully by tomorrow, I have to wait for mirror pieces that are going on the headboard to be ready.  I will give you the detailed run down on how to make this headboard at the end of ORC.

Last few days, I tweaked my design plan so many times I am not sure what the final room is going to look like.  I have a feeling the plan is going to evolve few more times, you can see the first week's plan here.

Here is the new plan...
The fabric above is the route I am trying to go with for the curtains.  I always choose white or neutral solid color curtains to be safe, but this time I would like to use a print for the curtains.  

The bed is being upholstered and putting a mirror border around the frame.  

The side tables are going to be an Ikea hack, my anticipated plan is that above.  However, that can possibly change, I have so many different ideas for it.

Here is the progress with bed...

My husband constructing the headboard with plywood and 2 X 4s.

I hope you go visit the talented participants at Calling it home, you won't be sorry, They are loaded with inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

One Room Challenge - Master Bedroom - Week 1

I am so excited, I have been anxiously waiting for this day.  Today starts the ever popular One Room Challenge at Calling it Home.  First of all, let me thank Linda from Calling it Home for putting this very exciting event together.  This is  the  push I've needed to at least get one of my rooms done in my house.

I've decided to do my master bedroom... We had to rebuilt our house after Hurricane Sandy and moved back into the house two months.  We have not done much of decorating, just taking care of unfinished renovation stuff.  We need to decorate each and everyone of the rooms.  So the master bedroom is needy as any other rooms in the house. This room is dreadful, boring and not a pleasant place to rest your head at night.  

This is my starting point... Did I say it was dreadful!

 Sorry for the blurry picture.

So there you have it! Now you see why I need to do this room!

Here is my aim for this room.  I want to bring a touch of bright color into this room, I am need of that because of such a gloomy winter we had.  I also need a tiny area in this small room to function as a office, until we set up an office somewhere else in the house.  

I have lots of DIY's planned for this room such as, building the upholstered headboard, redesigning the side tables, drum shade chandelier and curtains, etc.  Whew! Very ambitious! I hope I'll be able to get them all done.  

Here are some inspirations...

Come and see some amazing interior designers, DIY bloggers show off their room makeovers.  Follow along for the next six weeks, I guarantee you will not be disappointed! 

Lets get started, so exciting!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One Room Challenge and more...

Unlike these super bloggers who blog everyday (I don't know how they do it!) I seem to post once a week, sometimes I go even longer between posts.  I have been trying to stay focused and more on the ball with my blog and to post frequently, I am not doing a very good job with that!  My lack of post is mostly because I want to make sure I have interesting pictures and posts with substance and most of the time I feel I don't have either one.  I figured more I post, more comfortable I will get and it will get easier to post.

So, that brings me to my probable short term solution, participate in the One Room Challenge at Calling it Home.  What! You haven't heard of this exciting event?  Well, let me just give you a little synopsis of this event... Linda from Calling it Home challenges 20 design blogger to make over a space and show the process over a six week period.  Anyone can join in and link their makeover with the 20 chosen design bloggers.  Every Thursday starting April 3rd for the next 6 weeks I'll have to post the progress of the room I choose to makeover.  The sixth week will be the big reveal where all the participants and the chosen design bloggers show off their work.  This will give me the push and the focus I so desperately need for at least a few months.

If you have been following my blog for sometime you know that we had to rebuild our house after Hurricane Sandy.  So there are plenty of rooms that I can choose from to do this makeover.  I will let you know which room I narrowed down to tomorrow after I link up.

For now, I want to just share a little update of my master bathroom...  It is still in need of few things like glass shower doors, towel holder, switch plate covers, light fixture, etc.

But for now, I hung up a baroque style mirror and I like the way it looks.  Except, this is not the mirror I was planning for this bathroom.  Until I find the mirror I have in my head, this one will do just fine.

That's it for now... I hope you come back and follow along the progress of the room I choose and the other participants at ORC at Calling it Home.
