
Friday, April 25, 2014

One Room Challenge - Week 4

I hope everyone had a productive week, cause I sure didn't! We are in the fourth week of the One Room Challenge hosted by Linda at Calling it Home and I am so far behind on my projects!  Between cooking for 18 people for Easter,  my kids being home for spring break and my daughter sick the entire time, I haven't accomplished anything.  To top it off, the company I had ordered the curtain fabric from emailed me 5 days after the order was placed saying they don't have anymore of the fabric available.  Now, I have to find another suitable fabric and get it in on time to make eight curtain panels and amongst everything else on the list of things to do in two weeks.  That means I have to put it into high gear in order to finish on time.  If you missed the previous weeks, you can check the out here at Week 1Week 2 and Week 3.

So, here we are after the bed frame was constructed, I gave the moulding an espresso stain.

Then added the mirror around the frame...  Looking good!

The bed side tables also got an espresso finish on the top and the sides.  Still contemplating the finish for the drawer front, down to two choices. 

Well, off to finish a project or two!  Hope you check out some very talented participants of the One Room Challenge with Linda at Calling it Home.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. You are taking on a huge project and I am looking forward to seeing the finale! I think everyone had a slow week last week!

  2. Good luck with curtains! Easter stalled me here as well... It looks like your furniture is coming along! :)

  3. Very creative idea with the headboard. I'm in a crunch to get everything done too!

  4. Some weeks are better than others. Hang in there. The headboard is looking good.

  5. Looks great - I like both options on the bedside tables! Good luck!

  6. I love the way the bed is taking shape. Can't wait to see the final results.


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