
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One Room Challenge and more...

Unlike these super bloggers who blog everyday (I don't know how they do it!) I seem to post once a week, sometimes I go even longer between posts.  I have been trying to stay focused and more on the ball with my blog and to post frequently, I am not doing a very good job with that!  My lack of post is mostly because I want to make sure I have interesting pictures and posts with substance and most of the time I feel I don't have either one.  I figured more I post, more comfortable I will get and it will get easier to post.

So, that brings me to my probable short term solution, participate in the One Room Challenge at Calling it Home.  What! You haven't heard of this exciting event?  Well, let me just give you a little synopsis of this event... Linda from Calling it Home challenges 20 design blogger to make over a space and show the process over a six week period.  Anyone can join in and link their makeover with the 20 chosen design bloggers.  Every Thursday starting April 3rd for the next 6 weeks I'll have to post the progress of the room I choose to makeover.  The sixth week will be the big reveal where all the participants and the chosen design bloggers show off their work.  This will give me the push and the focus I so desperately need for at least a few months.

If you have been following my blog for sometime you know that we had to rebuild our house after Hurricane Sandy.  So there are plenty of rooms that I can choose from to do this makeover.  I will let you know which room I narrowed down to tomorrow after I link up.

For now, I want to just share a little update of my master bathroom...  It is still in need of few things like glass shower doors, towel holder, switch plate covers, light fixture, etc.

But for now, I hung up a baroque style mirror and I like the way it looks.  Except, this is not the mirror I was planning for this bathroom.  Until I find the mirror I have in my head, this one will do just fine.

That's it for now... I hope you come back and follow along the progress of the room I choose and the other participants at ORC at Calling it Home.


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