
Monday, June 10, 2013

Great day at the Country Living Fair!

I had such a wonderful day at the Country Living Fair yesterday, the weather was perfect and slew of barns filled with vendors from all over selling their unique and beautiful wares.

Best of all, I got to meet with Sarah Gray Miller, Editor- in Cheif of Country Living Magazine and some wonderful bloggers in person.

Sarah and me

Here are the bloggers I had the pleasure of  meeting… You can see the list of these bloggers at Susan's Homeroad blog, (the missing #11 name is me).  

Another hightlight of my day was meeting with Cari Cucksey of HGTV show Cash and Cari.  She was so sweet and so down to earth,  I was thrilled to meet her.  She had an amazing collections of furniture and collectibles.  You can visit her shop here to check out the beautiful objects and collections she has in store.  

Such a fabulous day it was!

Have a great day!


  1. sorry we missed meeting you, couldnt get away from the booth to do the meet and greet.... was hoping everyone would stop by, but we missed a few of you.... hope for next year ! glad you had fun at our fair !

    1. Jeanne, I bought a bracelet from you on Sunday and didn't even realize until I had left I was at JuNxtaposition! I was wanting to meet you too! I was in such a hurry to find where the meet up was and make it on time that I completely spaced! Hopefully I'll get the chance to meet you another time soon.

  2. Sherry it was great meeting you and all the other bloggers. I wish I'd had a chance to meet Cari as well! Meeting Sarah Gray Miller was such a treat however. It was nice to be able to make some connections and meet some bloggers in 'real' life :-)

  3. Yes, It was so nice meeting you… I went on your blog a few times and I love all your projects!


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