
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY

I can't believe I am going to the Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY, today.  Driving 2 hours upstate was not in my agenda for this weekend.  But, I was so thrilled when I found out about the fair, that we decided to make a nice day trip with the family.  I received an email a few days ago about a getting  free pass to have a meetup with the Country Living magazine Editor at the fair.  All NY bloggers were invited, I am so excited!!  

I tell you all about it tomorrow!

Have a great day!


  1. So glad you got to go! I also got the invitation but we were celebrating my son's birthday and we had a baseball game for my other son so it didn't work out! Too bad - I could have met you! Oh well, hope you had a wonderful time!

  2. Too bad you couldn't make it… next time! The fair was really nice and it was great to meet everyone!

    We are not far from eachother, so we can meet anytime. Maybe, we can do a meetup with a few local bloggers, I would love that! Sherry:)


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