
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Little North Pole Lighting

On the first weekend of December,  our friend Joseph Mure, Jr. puts on a Christmas lighting extravaganza called the "Little North Pole" at his home to raise money for the (JDRF) Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. November 1st, Joe and countless volunteers from the community start setting up the displays and spends the month fine tuning till it is perfect.  Last year, he raised close to $200,000 from this event for JDRF.

The street gets closed off and tents with free food and drinks are set up, dancers and singers entertains hundreds of people coming to enjoy in the festivities.  There is a $20 raffle to win a free three year lease for Mercedes-Benz SUV which one lucky person wins at the end of the night (would've loved to win that)!

All the lights are off on the house until everyone counts down with excitement and at zero magically the entire property is lit up and the figurines come to life.  It feels like the New Years countdown!

Afterwards, Joe makes an announcement to all the children that Santa Claus is on his way and a helicopter hovers overhead shines lights down from the sky.  Then Santa Clause arrives and gives out  thousands of toys to the children.  

Joe's two car garage is transformed into Santa's workshop with little elf figurines busily making toys.

You can see more of the beautiful display from 2011 here. 

People come to see the spectacular display every day from all over, it is a beautiful sight to see!

Joe and all the people who volunteer and donate does an amazing job each year for this cause.

If you would like to help this cause also, you can make a donation to JDRF

Thanks for stopping by!


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