
Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here...

While it has been looking a lot like Christmas for many of you for awhile, it has not been around here till a few days ago!  Instead of being busy with the hustle and bustle of Christmas, we had to get our house ready for a commercial!  Unfortunately, can't divulge any info on that, but it was exciting to say the least!  Now that is over, we are scurrying to get everything ready for Christmas.  We finally got our gigantic 11ft. tree as always and decorated it.    

This is a special Christmas for us, we are celebrating our first Christmas back in our home since Hurricane Sandy hit back in October, 2012.  Every single decoration we had saved over the years are gone, so we had to start all over again with buying new decorations. 

My favorite thing in my new/old house is the fireplace.  When we rebuilt the house, we added this fireplace...  We originally wanted a clean look with just stone all the way up to the ceiling without a distraction of a mantel.  Then we realized that at Christmas time we won't have a place to hang our stockings, so we added a floating mantel covered with the same stone so not to give too much variation.  So glad we did!

Our Christmas tree all decked out for the holidays!

Pretty little birdie perched on the mantel...

Some of our new ornaments!

That's our tree this year, it is big and beautiful!  

Hope you are enjoying this special time of year!  

Thank you so much for stopping by!


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  1. Beautiful tree! So glad to hear you are ok after Sandy, that must have been horrible!

  2. Thank you! Sadly, Hurricane Sandy will be etched in our memories forever! Looking forward to the holidays!


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