
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

House Update #3

Rebuilding our house after Hurricane Sandy has been such a long and arduous project.  Little by little we are getting there and we are anxiously waiting for the day we can move back into our house.   All the structural support that was damaged has been replaced and secured.  The exterior of the house is getting stripped of the old siding and we are replacing it with maintenace free vinyl siding.  We chose a blue-grey cedar look with white trim from Mastic Siding company.  My husband had installed this type of siding on a house right on the beach and it held up during Hurricane Sandy, so it was a no brainer to use this siding on our house, plus I love the look!

Here are some examples… I can't wait to see the siding on my house completed.

I love the railings on this house, I want to coax my husband into making them for me on our new front

Here is where my house is at now, all the exterior walls have been closed up and they have started to wrap the house.  Few days ago, they started installing the foam board insulation, this is the step before the installing the siding.  

And here is the siding going up… We are almost half way done, yeah!

And the inside…  All the floor beams were replaced and subfloor is installed.
Just when I thought we are ready to close up the walls and ceiling, we decided to raise the drop down ceiling in our livingroom.  The center of the ceiling went up to almost 11 feet high, but around the perimeter of the room their was a drop down section to accomodate for heating pipes making the ceilings 9 feet high.  Since we were changing to hot water heating and they require tubing inside the walls, we were able to raise all of the ceiling.  I always loved tall ceilings!
I'll show more of the inside when we get more completed.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looking good, Sherry! I'll bet your glad to see progress like this being made. Love the siding you and your hubby chose. The color is a lot like what they used on the condos where we live. I love it!

    1. I am loving this siding, it has such a nice beachy look to them! Thanks for stopping by!


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