
Thursday, May 9, 2013

House update

My post hurricane Sandy repair has been a very slow and daunting task, at least it is for my husband, who is doing the repairs.  I feel like it is going to take forever to get back into my house and we are going a bit stir-crazy living in our temporary house.  So, what's a girl to do but shop for furniture for a house that is not ready yet!

Since my sofa drowned in my livingroom during the hurricane (I didn't like that sofa anyway!), my darling husband surprised me with this gorgeous sofa from my all time favorite designer, Candice Olson!  He's the best, so is she!  I must say that this sofa is not just well built, it has beautiful lines, gorgeous nailheads going down the arms and it's upholstered in Sunbrella fabric for durability.  I love it!

I also bought these two massive bookcases from a store in Manhattan,  which I plan to paint them white and put them in my livingroom.  

I am going to put these beautiful three piece cabinet from Home Decorators between the two bookcases, I think it will really nice.

I bought other odds and ends, still have more to buy, except I should wait till I have a livingroom, says my husband!  I can't wait to bring it all together!

Here is the progress on the house so far…

Last update, all the first floor exterior walls were replaced with all new supports, walls and windows.

Now, almost all closed up and house is getting wrapped.

Inside, all new floor beam were being installed, it will be stronger than ever!

Nothing to do, but wait patiently till its finished!  Unless, the anticipation gets the better of me and I'll have do more shopping and do some real damage!

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  1. Love your ideas! Wow, they really had to open up your house! What a huge repair job! Good luck getting everything back in order. You are going to appreciate your home even more when this is all done! Have a great weekend!

  2. Haha shopping can be the real damage it's true!! It looks like it's coming along are so patient!

  3. I love what you picked out so far. It's going to look amazing!

  4. Wow. What a lot to do!! Nice though that you get to choose new furniture. Waiting must be awful!! Joan


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