
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shopping in New York City

One my favorite past-time for me is to shop for furniture, especially for a bargain.  This past weekend a couple of friends and I went shopping in Manhattan to a few great stores.   My friend found a similar chair as this in a thrift store for a whopping $20.00 (forgot to take a picture of the actual chair, you get the idea), .  I think it is a antique Chinese Chippendale chair, her chair was shaped little differently and in a natural bamboo color.  What a score!  
Then we headed over to one of our favorite stores Nadeau.  This store has an amazing collection of unique, inexpensive, handcrafted furniture.  Great store!

Look at those incredible antique door hiding behind… 

I love this bench!

I ended up buying these two huge, almost 8' tall bookshelves made of mahogany.  I have plans for them when I get back to my house (we are still displaced due to hurricane Sandy, ugh!).  I know they are two different colors, this is all they had and I loved there sheer size!  I plan to paint them distress black and maybe wallpaper the back panel.  

Nadeau has locations all over the country, if you can find one near you, you should go, you will not be disappointed.  

Hope you are having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a lot of fun! love that bench especially the details!!!! Wish we had that :-)store somewhere nearby, but no such luck.


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