
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pray for strength!

For the last month and a half, we have been dealing with (we thought) an unimagineable catastrophe with hurricane Sandy.  Losing our homes and our possessions were at the forefront of our thoughts everyday and how to get our possessions back.  

I would go through hurricane Sandy 10 times over, to not have the families in Newton go through the devastating lose of their sweet innocent little children and the lives of the adults in this horrific tragedy.  This lose can never be replaced.

Eventhough, life will never be the same for these families, the world is praying for them to gain strength to go on through these difficult times and always.

My sincerest, deepest condolences to the families…
God always be with you.

1 comment:

  1. So true - I am sure almost everyone who went through the hurricane feels how you feel. Heartbreaking beyond words...


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