
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Better late than never!

I was supposed to write a post on an event "Spooktacular" that took place at my friend's Joe Mure's house the day before Hurricane Sandy… The day after the event is when Sandy came and turned our world upside down  and inside out, I was a "little" busy dealing with that, not to mention I had no access to a computer.  That is why I'm so late with this post.

Anyway, the Spooktacular event was a fundraiser for a little girl named Valentina in our community and all others suffering with Rett Syndrome.  Rett Syndrome is an illness that mainly effects girls and is recognized at infancy.  Some of the symptoms of this terrible illness are loss of speech and motor control, compulsive hand movements, labored breathing, severe digestive problems, seizures throughout the day, Parkinsonian tremor and the list goes on.  

This is the second year that Joe Mure,  the parent's of Valentina and other wonderful caring neighbors and friends are hosting this event "Spooktacular"  to raise money for research to aid in finding a cure.

Joe decorated for "Spooktacular" all along is yard...

Neighbor across Joe also participated by decorating with festive halloween decorations!

Scooby Doo Van 

 The original Batmobile from "The Dark Knight" was there to help raise money.  What an amazing car!

Batman and Batgirl made his grand entrance in a NYC fire engine…

My son was one of the lucky ones to go inside the car.  He was in his glory!

Families really got into it… Fabulous costumes!

It was a great turn out!

Anyone who would like to know more about Rett Syndrome or donate to help finding a cure,

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Looks like a great turnout. What a wonderful way to raise awareness!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! It was a wonderful day, they raised a lot of money for the cause. People really enjoyed the event!


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