
Friday, November 16, 2012

Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

This past few weeks seems so surreal, everyone in our community has been displaced and all had some sort of damage to their properties like loss of power, heat, loss of personal belongings, etc. from Hurricane Sandy.  Eventhough everyone lost something, there were degrees of losses.  Many homes were completely crushed by the ocean or destroyed by fire.  Mostly everyones's basement was flooded and lost all contents in it.   My whole house was damaged from wind and water,  my basement was flooded and water went 2ft up to my first floor.  All my materials for my etsy business was lost, my husband the contractor lost all his tools and his truck.  I am still trying to wrap my head around all our losses!

This was my livingroom before Sandy's wrath!  Eventhough I used to complain it was too boring, it wasn't terrible.

This is the damage done to my livingroom from Sandy… Now this is terrible!

I want to try to salvage my kithen cabinets… Keeping my fingers crossed!

All our furniture and belongings are out and ready for the garbage dump!

Everyone's pocessions in the garbage!

I tell myself, the floors needed to be changed anyway, I didn't like my sofas and I needed to brighten up my first floor!  I guess a disasterous hurricane is what it takes for me to make a change…Ha!  Once we get back in the house, there will be alot of DIYs going on, I hope you follow me as I try to restore my home after Hurricane Sandy.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Sherry - I am so sorry! It must have been difficult going back in there. It's amazing how well your cabinets held up though! They actually look great! I hope the clean up goes quickly. I have been thinking about you and your area. Stay strong as you work through this.

  2. Thank you Shelley! I love my kitchen cabinets, they were very well made, I think that I will be able to clean them up and they will be good as new. As for the rest of the house, everything will have to go including the floors, subfloors, walls, etc. We do have to stay strong and try to get back home. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  3. Sherry, you poor thing. Thank god you are ok, and I know possessions can be replaced, but my heart goes out to you and all of your neighbors.

    1. Thanks Stacy, I wanted to change a few things in my home, but not redo the whole house! Ha Ha. It is going to be a long drawn out process… We have to make the best of what was dealt to us. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Sherry, Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. I know this is a difficult time but you will get through this. I hope you are spending the day with family. Take care! - Shelley


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