
Monday, October 22, 2012

Glorious time at the beach...

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  Lately, I have been doing a lot of DIY projects in my head and not actually doing them.  My plan is to really get some of them done… Does anyone else do that? Spend so much time thinking about what you are going to do, yet nothing really comes to fruition or is it just me? Can anyone say "the world's biggest procrastinator", that is me! I hope I have something to show you this week or I am just going crack up!!

Well anyway, we had a beautiful weekend, the weather was perfect, we went for a walk on the beach with our dog Ringo and the kids had so much fun!  The water looked amazing, so enticing… of course the kids couldn't resist they dove into the water, clothes and all!  Don't they realize its mid October in New York, the water is freezing… They ran home and took a hot shower, made up for their absurd spontaneity.

Ringo found a playmate too… Sooo cute!

ahh the love...

Here are some beautiful spaces I have been looking at to help me come out of my funk...

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