
Monday, May 14, 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a very happy Mother's Day!  We had such beautiful weather here in New York, it was a perfect weekend.  I had two Communions on Sunday,  so my family celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday.  The whole weekend was a celebration with family and friends.

Here is my gorgeous, amazing, remarkable, awe-inspiring mother!  She is truly a super hero, she has an incredible life story that if a book was written about her life, it will be a best seller!  Thank you for everything you do for us everyday! XOXO

My beautiful sister and my glamorous daughter!

On Sunday,  my extremely talented son Kyle gave me the most beautiful card he had drew and colored…

Isn't it amazing!

My friends and I had such a lovely time at the Communions...

Hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did with the people I love!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post! Beautiful family and friends. I LOVE the card -- what a labor of love!


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