
Monday, September 26, 2011

Powerful tools!

One of my favorite items to make for my etsy shop is my seashell encrusted letters.  Usually,  I purchase the 9" letters and embellish the letters with the shells.  People really seem to love these shell letters, as do I.  Last week I received an order for 18" seashell letters, so I figured no problem I will just order 18" wooden letters and I will embellish them.  Well, it wasn't that easy because when I went searching online for these large letters, the prices were $215 per letter!  This was almost three times more than what they were sold for and I still have to attach the shell on them.  I had no choice but to cut these letters out myself with my husband's jig saw.  Talk about a challenge, every few minutes I had to stop and check to see if all my fingers were still attached! Ha Ha!  After some trials and errors, I got the hang of it and it wasn't so bad… Granted, this was not a 1-2-3 project, it took hours and hours to embellish the letters with tiny little shells.  However, now I'm thinking of all kinds of new projects I could do with this new found tool.  It's funny how life is, simple little things has the possiblility to open so many other doors.  You gotta just do it!

First, I decided the dimensions of the letters and drew them on the wood.

Then, I used the jig saw to cut the letters out.

I spray painted them white...

Believe it or not, I spent two days attaching shells to the letters.

But, it was well worth it, I love the way they came out!

So, go on try something new!  It may open a new door for you and you never know where it may lead!

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Have a great day!


  1. I have a basement full of power tools but I have never bought a jig saw. You have convinced me!! What amazing end results.

  2. You know, I love meeting talented people! It's great to come to your blog and see you're one of them!

    I'm loving your blog. It's full with beautiful and inspiring things. You're doing a great job!

    I also want to thank you for what you wrote about my interview on Tina's blog. It was so sweet of you!

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!


    Luciane at

  3. These are beautiful!!!!! I'm new to the blogging world but I'm happy I've come across this one!!!

  4. I am also new to Blogging, but I am inspired by all of these wonderful people!

    I love what you said: "You just gotta do it".

    Casually said, but VERY wise and true.

    So now I'm a follower!

  5. Those turned out beautifully, Sherry! You've given me encouragement to "break out" my own jig saw and try something.


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