
Thursday, March 3, 2011

My favorite animal print!

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting like I should. I've been caught up in a little rut lately, trying desparately to get out of. In the meantime, I figured I will show you one of my older projects I had done. I bought this box with a wrought iron stand at my neighbors garage sale a while back. The box was in perfect condition, but it was dark brown and my livingroom couldn't handle anymore brown (sorry I don't have before pictures). I decided to paint a black and white zebra print on it to spruce up my very brown furniture. It really did give life to the room! A little animal print goes a long way!


  1. Love the zebra! I keep telling my husband I need a little more animal print but so far he is not on board...not giving up though! It looks really fun, great job!


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