
Monday, July 18, 2011

In search of the perfect headboard!

So my next project that I want to tackle is a headboard for my bedroom.  
I haven't had a headboard for a very, very long time and I think now its time!
I want to make a tufted headboard, now its just matter of finding 
the right fabric, which is not going to be an easy task because there are 
so many beautiful fabric out there!  My bedroom furniture is a 
contemporary style, but I may want to mix it up a bit or maybe not… 
For now I am gathering some images to compare and get ideas...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome the Wounded Warriors!

After the celebration of our Independence Day in July, many of the residents of Rockaway open their hearts and homes to a number of wounded warriors.  These men and women were severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan while fighting for us.  It is always a heart-wrenching experience for me to see these young men of 18yrs. old or 19 yrs. old or really at any age with amputations and other severe injuries.

On July 7th, a procession of wounded warriors were escorted by the New York City Police Department and the New York City Fire Department to enjoy a wonderful feast at the Belle Harbor Yacht Club and to meet their host family.  The residents of Rockaway lined the Boulevard with home made banners, flags, cheering and clapping thanking them for their services.   For the next few days their will be celebrations in honor of the warriors and there will be other events for them to enjoy.  They will be able to take the sun on the beautiful beach, go kayaking, sailing, waterskiing, scuba diving and fishing.

 They have sacrificed so much for us, no amount of thank you will ever be enough!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Gifts from the ocean.

One of the great things about living by the sea is you can take a walk on the shore at any time of the day and find wonderful treasure left by the ocean.  This past winter while walking my puppy on the beach I came across this amazing tree trunk that had been weathered by the winds, waves and tumbled through the sandy waters.  It looks like all kinds of little sea creatures bored little holes into it and made it there home.  There are little barnacles all over it,  I love these natural elements.  It weighed about 200 pounds, of course I couldn't carry it home, so I waited for my 12 year old son Kyle "the hercules" to get home from school to help me load it up in our red flyer wagon and pull it home.  I was thinking of putting some shellac on it and turning it into a table, that will be a future project.   All the smaller driftwood we find on the shore, I display in a beautiful wicker basket til I can use it in a project.

Little barnacles and homes of little creatures

Driftwood collected while walking along the shore.

Enjoy you weekend!

Happy 4th of July!